Grade 3 – Grade 6

Building upon Solid Foundations

At East 鶹 Islamic College, we build a strong foundation for the Year Three to Six 鶹 in the crucial Primary years of learning. Students learn to be responsible to manage and organise their learning to develop work habits. We encourage 鶹 to become independent and actively take a part in the learning process. Students learn to become responsible and learn to appreciate different viewpoints. We inculcate the ability of working as a team into the 鶹 with planned and meaningful activities that require sustained focus, interaction and decision making. Co-operative learning strategies are followed to develop a better understanding about the learning process. Students learn to become independent and the notion of interdependence is encouraged. Abstract thinking is promoted into the 鶹 to undertake activities for longer periods.

The subjects offered are

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Integrated Studies (Humanities/Science)
  • The Arts
  • Physical Education
  • Arabic (Languages Other Than Teaching English)
  • Quranic and Islamic Studies as Religious Education
EPIC - East 鶹 Islamic College

The curriculum emphasises on the development of literacy and numeracy competence. We take pride in our THRASS program, which has proved to be an effective teaching tool to develop literacy skills in 鶹 through the use of charts, DVD and teacher instruction. Individual needs of a student are taken care of by Our Learning Enrichment staff. Activities are centred around the learning areas with a continual emphasis on ICT skills.

Computer has proved to be an effective learning tool that has helped the 鶹 become aware of the technology and enhance their skills. The opportunities to explore a wider range of sources of information have helped to develop research skills in 鶹. Use of Interactive Whiteboards for whole class or small group instruction has enabled 鶹 to continue to develop their understanding of technology as a powerful learning tool.

Our curriculum activities carried inside and outside the classroom provide our 鶹 with opportunities to develop their skills and abilities. Through the use of pastoral care, 鶹 are encouraged to respect the rights of others to learn and be safe whilst striving to adhere to our college values.

Parents play an important role in the development and education of their children in the Primary School years as we prepare them for the challenges and exciting opportunities that will come across to them in High School and beyond.

“’From the beginning of his education, the child should experience the joy of discovery, so free the child’s potential and he will transform into the world”